Backspin Productions Application Form
For over 17 years Backspin Productions has been recognized as the leader for great Mobile Disc Jockey Entertainment within the Red River Valley. In that time we have launched numerous careers, gotten scores of DJs started and helped them become successful in this exciting industry. We have the training program , the lead generation and the office support to do the same for you . . . If you have what it takes!
To be successful with Backspin Productions you must have:
Notice one thing that is not on the list? DJing Experience. That is not essential because Backspin Productions has a great DJ Training Program . So if you have the traits that are listed and don’t mind working weekends, please fill out the application form listed below. You’ll have to start as an assistant and work your way up, that’s what everyone on our staff did at some point, but if you’ve got the talent, desire and work ethic, Backspin Productions could just be the company to help you achieve your goal as a DJ Entertainer.
Please fill out our online application listed below.